BioBlocks’ collaborative medicinal chemistry teams can generate high quality leads to advance your program
BioBlocks provides medicinal chemistry services and products to help our pharmaceutical customers accelerate their drug discovery programs. We unite our medicinal chemistry expertise and the comprehensive search capability of our Syntheverse™ chemistry space to empower our clients to generate high quality clinical candidates with favorable pharmaceutical properties and IP positions. BioBlocks is a US company maintaining offices and laboratories in Hamilton, New Jersery and Budapest, Hungary.
Case Study: Typical project outcomes
- Multiple development candidates generated: |
- Four programs sold to/partnered to Pharma: |
- Repeat projects with companies and collaborators:
BioBlocks chemists are often inventors of our clients' patents:
Issued Patents:
Recent Applications:

Case Study A: Discovery to Preclinical Development
- Served as a customized chemistry department for a small biotech
- Difficult target and assay
- Leads substantially improved over hits despite long SAR cycles
- Program sold to Pharma

Case Study B: Screening Hits to Patented Leads
- Served as the chemistry department for a virtual biotech
- Patents issued in congested IP space
- Program sold to Pharma

Case Study D: Early Lead to Clinical Candidate
- Served as a complimentary chemistry team for a medium sized biotech
- Improved pharmaceutical properties allowed in vivo activity
- Program met external milestone